About Company

About us

Delivering sophistication and innovative technology in window treatments, Infinity Smart Film has its origin in Eastern Europe in 2015.

After a successful launch in Europe, the company found its new niche in the NYC metropolitan area in 2019, where our innovative products find a larger market.

Since the new endeavor in the U.S. market, we have been building our reputation as a leading provider of Smart Film and Smart Glass in the region. The quality of our product speaks on its own, bringing an elevated and stylish touch to your space.

Our list of clients and collaborators proves our product and service quality. We bring the newest technology to your space and enhance the quality of your life.

Contact us at 347-659-5400 or info@infinitysmartfilm.com.





It can be used on any glass surface - in your office, home, windows of your store or anywhere you please. Our expert team will take care of your every request.

Energy Saving

Not only does Infinity Smart Film give you privacy, it also protects contents of your object from UV damage. It also has high IR absorption and energy efficiency.

Window Projection and Advertisement

Transforms any window into a display with desired content that appears and disappears at your control.

Dynamic Privacy

Provides complete privacy or transparency when you need and want it, instantly.